
  • We are now carrying retail books! These books will be priced individually as they are brand new books not used like the rest of the store. Before you make a trip to the larger bookstore franchises in town, shop local and independent, check with us first and we may just have some of the new books that you have been looking for and at a better price! These books are marked with an orange sticker dot on the spine.

    Remember that you can use your trade in credits on our new books as well!

  • Used/traded-in hardbacks start at $6 with the exception of retail new books which are marked by an orange sticker dot on the spine.

  • Used/traded-in paperbacks start at $4 for mass market sized books and at $6 for trade size paperbacks, with the exception of our retail new books which are marked by an orange sticker dot on the spine.

  • We have book sets throughout the store that are individually priced as well as large print books, vintage and rare books, cookbooks, and collector’s edition books.